Florida, Orlando
date to be specified

Peaches camp in America

We want to keep pushing Peaches KEMP forward, so it’s clear that we just couldn’t turn this opportunity down. We have joined forces with the Florida Vikings. The Florida Vikings are building American floorball from the ground up and are looking to tap into the huge potential that America definitely has for the development of floorball. With Peaches KEMP, we have a unique opportunity to bring our knowledge, skills and passion for floorball to American soil and help take American floorball to the next level.

American Peaches KEMP will be just like you know it – intense training, lots of fun and exploring the beauty of sunny Florida. Connecting with the American participants, with whom we will practice our English, is also essential.




In Florida, floorball is still in its infancy – the number of rinks is limited, foam boards are used and there is no one to play against. But that can’t deter the Florida Vikings or the Czech Peaches from organizing a proper floorball camp.

The Florida Peaches KEMP is 12 days of sports, English and meeting new places and friends. And it will be a blast!

How can we be so sure? Because we’ve already completed our second year of American Peaches KEMP – we’ve checked out multi-purpose arenas to show American kids floorball at its best, and in our free time we’ve visited the best Florida has to offer, including Universal Studios and Cocoa Beach. And we can’t wait to do it again this year.

Peaches, who will travel with us to America, have a chance of a lifetime to meet world-class players in the North American Floorball League. This year we have had Viking players like Kevin Haglund, Niklas Ramirez, Albin Hedstål and Linus Malmström visit us at our training sessions. You don’t just meet Swedish national players and world champions of our sport. But at the American Peaches KEMP, anything is possible!

The perfect floorball holiday.

Current turnuses

Florida, Orlando

date to be specified

The Peaches CAMP in Jindřichův Hradec is now officially under the auspices of Mayor Mgr. Ing. Michal Kozar, MBA.

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Jonáš Kůra, Peaches KEMP
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